Stock up and save in the Lobby, then head through the door on the east where you'll be greeted by a doctor pinned to a window on the other side. Use the terminal to extend the bridge, then do the same on the other end to access the East Area. The new security clearance will get you through the other door in here now. Leave the room, deal with the armoured zombie in front - aim for the head - and through the door straight ahead, looping back around to reception. Now grab the Electronic Chip security clearance from the dead arm poking out of a sleeping pod and combine it with your ID Wristband. There’s some Shotgun Shells in here, as well as a Flamethrower Regulator in the lockers. Follow the vent around until you drop down into the kitchen, then exit the kitchen and head to the door on your right.

Head straight there through the dark corridor, ignore the zombies inside and get straight up the ladder.

Your next stop is through the Cafeteria in the west. Next, go into the Security Room opposite and grab the Shotgun Shells and map. Make sure you have at least one healing item and some ammo on you as well. Once in Nest, go to the safe room at reception and make sure you put away any key items you’re carrying - you won’t need those here. Resident Evil 2 Remake S Rank guide for Leon A - Nest Lab You just need to run to the cable car now and flip the switch inside, setting a course for Nest. Once the cutscene has finished playing, you’ll be with Ada again. Head straight to the Incinerator Room and use the switch at the side of the door. Next we’re heading on to the final stretch: the labs. If you followed Part 5 of our Resident Evil 2 Remake guide, you should be coming up to the Incinerator Room to rescue Ada.