Upon completion of this course, you’ll receive one Microsoft 365 Fundamentals ‘Acclaim’ badge, and two Microsoft Dynamics 365 Associate ‘Acclaim’ badges that you can add to your CV or social media profile for prospective employers to see. What’s more, certified employees are often entrusted with supervising their peers, putting them on the fast track for a promotion. Microsoft claims that upon earning a certification, 23% of Microsoft certified technologists reported receiving up to a 20% salary increase. Career paths include developer, administrator, devops, and solutions architect. Microsoft role-based certifications cover three skill levels: 1. Learn about the value of being Microsoft certified. Click here to learn more about Microsoft role-based certifications. They allow a learner to skill up and prove their expertise to employers and peers, plus get the recognition and opportunities they’ve earned. According to Microsoft, role-based certifications show that individuals that possess them are keeping pace with today’s technical roles and requirements.

It is referred to as a ‘role-based certification’. The Microsoft Certified Associate is a new breed of Microsoft certification.