This feature allows the app to follow the conversation of its user and automatically suggests appropriate replies that were calculated by a custom model. This feature provides users options to filter their conversations and contents that they’ve previously shared. This application also implements the Google search functionality. The application has multiple features that are very helpful for the users such as side-by-side editors, one-click meetings, document creation, file sharing, tasks, and other functions that make the user’s work easier. It also allows Google Workspace to access content creation automatically. This application automatically allows sharing of documents, spreadsheets, and slides without having to grant permission. In the search results, right-click on the Chat standalone app.In the search bar, search for Google Chat.Uninstall the standalone app on Chrome OS Uninstall the standalone app on Mac, Windows, or Linux Right-click on the Chat standalone app.In the address bar, enter chrome://apps.Important: These steps don't work on Chrome OS. Open the standalone app automatically at startup On a Chromebook, you can find the app from the Launcher.To open the app from Google Chrome, in the address bar, enter chrome://apps and click Google Chat.You won't have the option to manually install the app. If you already created a Google Chrome shortcut to, the standalone app automatically installs.At the top right of Google Chrome, click Customize and control Google Chrome Install Google Chat.At the top right of Google Chrome, in the URL bar, click Install Install.Tip: This pop-up window might appear shortly after you first use Google Chat.If the app isn't already installed, a pop-up window opens to download the app.To install the app on your computer, try one of these methods:.

Install the standalone app on your computer

Chrome doesn’t need to be your default browser, but it does need to be open to use the Chat standalone app.Your device is running Google Chrome 73 or up.To install the Chat PWA standalone app, make sure: For a similar experience, install the standalone app. Important: There’s no Google Chat Chrome extension. This provides a native app experience and is a Progressive Web Application (PWA). For a simple way to use Google Chat, install the Google Chat standalone app in your Chrome Browser.